The pollution problem is causing harm to eath. The arctic ice is melting much faster, and maybe our grandchildren will be suffering from a lack of drinking water. the climate is also affected by air and earth pollution. the research shows that the compound of air changed and the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide that causes the weakening of the earth's natural shield from the sun. This animation is an attempt to change people's minds. To show the impact of humanity and the possible solutions for global climate change.

fade in
EXT. space
The earth revolves around its Axis. The sun is shining on the right side.
ZOOM IN TO THE CITY through the gray clouds. PAN. TO RIGHT. Down the street cars drive exhaust fumes, people smoke, and oil factories operate that produce an energy. All this produce CO2. exhaust gases take shape of CO2 that’s go up to the sky. Also, people are chopping woods.
ZOOM OUT TO SPACE. A gray film has appeared around the earth in which clouds of exhaust gases dissolve.
CUT TO ARCTIC land. In the sky the sun begins to heat more. The ice is melting, and Iceland becomes smaller and smaller. Polar bear shrank on a small glacier. Water level is rises.
CUT TO SPACE. Islands and most of the land flooded with water and ice is not visible.
CUT TO RED SCREEN with words “-What we can DO”
CUT TO LIGHT BLUE SCREEN separated on 3 vertical parts. In first part is bicycle, in second crossed cigarette, and in last solar panels.